Did you know that each canine eye has three eyelids, for a total of six? When one of their dog’s third eyelids develops a problem, many dog owners are oblivious to this basic understanding of canine anatomy, known as cherry eye. Countless dog owners have had the unnerving– but not unprecedented– experience of finding a red bump in their pet’s eye.
What is a cherry eye in dogs?
Cherry eyes develop when the nictitating membrane, or third eyelid, folds backward. This membrane surrounds your dog’s eye and houses its tear gland, protecting its vision. Ligaments typically hold the tear gland in place, but when they compromise, they can prolapse and “pop out,” giving your dog’s eye a cherry-red growth.
Some dog breeds are much more at risk of developing cherry eye than others. These canine species include the Beagle, American Cocker Spaniel, English Bulldog, Lhasa Apso, Shih Tzu, Pekingese, and others. Pet owners with one of these breeds must take their pets to a vet diagnostic lab in Mountain City to correctly diagnose and treat the problem.
Symptoms of Cherry Eye in Dogs
Your pet has a cherry eye if a swelling appears in the pink or red location in the external corner of its eye. For the most part, cherry eye can also be acknowledged without other signs and symptoms. But the cherry eye can still trigger discomfort for your dog, and the discomfort degree might suggest the mass’s growth.
Pink or Red Bulge in Eye
A noticeable lump can quickly identify a prolapsed tear gland in the canine eye corner. See your vet to check out treatment options, even if the mass seems to be separated from any apparent pain.
Dry Eye
Your dog’s aggravated third eyelid prevents natural tear production, causing dry eye. A dry eye is a typical problem of a prolapsed tear gland because of the reduced tear production. Your dog’s vision may be permanently damaged if the dry eye condition is not treated.
Incapable to Close the Eye
Your dog may be unable to completely close its eye because of the growth in its eye. Your dog will likely experience discomfort and may even develop or worsen dry eye. A trip to the vet is vital if your pet displays any of these indications. Since dog cold laser therapy in Mountain City reduces swelling and its accompanying discomfort, numerous veterinarians may recommend it.
What happens if it is not treated?
What happens if a pet owner chooses to do nothing about their pet’s cherry eye if surgical removal is dreadful? For the time being, cherry eye is merely an aesthetic issue. But when the nictitans gland is open to the air, it dries out and becomes a source of pain, irritation, and swelling. The dog may begin rubbing its face against things, which can lead to corneal damage and ulcers.
Rather than neglecting the complication, surgery can fix the cherry eye. Surgeons have developed numerous methods through the years. These methods use fine-gauge suture material to fix the nictitans gland in place, although they vary slightly in how they do it. So, choosing a dependable animal hospital with outstanding vet surgery services is crucial. Click here for more information.
The Takeaway
Anyone who owns a dog of a susceptible breed needs extra care. Cherry Eye is not avoidable, although it is operatively correctable, and early detection boosts results. If your dog establishes this ailment, try not to freak out. Instead, talk with your veterinarian about the choices available to your pet.